Presentation Assignment

Design a Power Point Presentation

Presentation Principles

Design a Power Point Presentation


  1. View Power Point slide show


  1. Create an outline


  1. Divide material into appropriate sections for slides


  1. Open Microsoft Power Point


  1. Choose a style template


  1. Create a title slide including names of all in group


  1. Design and create remainder of slides and include


    1. change text styles
    2. color changes - text, background
    3. text animation
    4. transitions
    5. graphics - import clipart, graphics (inspiration)
    6. bullets
    7. time management


  1. Write notes and handouts


  1. Present



Presentation Principles:

For a more effective presentation, introduce only one or two ideas at a time.

Use large readable fonts with only a few ideas presented on each slide.

Make each slide interesting but not cluttered.

Giving a presentation should involve more than simply reading each slide.

Keep the presentation interactive by asking for responses from the audience to pertinent questions.

Consider giving the audience something to take notes on and something to take away from the presentation.


From Dr. Ruby Midkiff 



Merryellen Towey Schulz, Ph.D.  College of Saint Mary     Spring, 2000


Ed 352 | Ed 353/4 | Ed201 | Ed355 | Ed 475

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