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Technology Operations and Concepts
This set of competencies and performance indicators is
being revised for adoption by the Nebraska Department of Education
ISTE Standard
ISTE Indicators
Nebraska Suggested Indicators
Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations
and concepts.
Teachers demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and
understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in ISTE 's
Technology Standards for Students).
Teachers demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and
skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.
1. Uses basic computer operations such as editing, file management,
printing, email, multi-tasking, and networking.
2. Evaluates the capability of a computer system and identifies
appropriate software and peripherals that are compatible with the
3. Operates a computer and peripherals on a network or through remote
4. Uses Internet applications such as telnet, Web browsers, file
transfer protocol, video conferencing, Listservs and Newsgroups, E-mail,
web portals, and search engines.
5. Applies basic maintenance and troubleshooting strategies for the
hardware, software, and network components of the computer systems.
6. Accesses help or support resources in solving problems
7. Uses technologies to access professional interchange networks, and
research databases like ERIC to access and exchange information.
8. Uses terminology related to computer and technology appropriately
in written and oral communication (create glossary for this document).
9. Use synchronous and asynchronous communication technologies for
classroom and extended learning situations.
10. Understands the implications of growing interdependence of
11. Teachers use productivity tools to enhance professional tasks
such as correspondence, assessment, classroom materials, presentations,
etc. |
Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and
experiences supported by technology.
Teachers design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities
that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the
diverse needs of learners.
Teachers apply current research on teaching and learning with
technology when planning learning environments and experiences.
Teachers identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them
for accuracy and suitability.
Teachers plan for the management of technology resources within the
context of learning activities.
Teachers plan strategies to manage student learning in a
technology-enhanced environment.
1. Knows how to assess, select, and use a variety of hardware types
to support instruction such as: computer systems; CD-ROMs; scanners;
projection devices; calculators, audio/video recorders and players; DVDs,
cameras, wireless PDAs, and distance education systems.
2. Knows how to assess, select, and use a variety of tool-based and
content-based software to support learning.
3. Correlates the use of technology in the classroom to uses of
technology in business, industry, and society.
4. Applies effective uses of broadcast instruction, audio/video
conferencing, web-based instruction, and other emerging learning
5. Develops customized learning materials using word processing,
database, spreadsheet, hypermedia, web authoring, video, graphics,
desktop publishing, and other emerging applications.
6. Applies an understanding that the characteristics of learners and
the nature of the learning task influence the selection and use of
technology-based instructional strategies and presentation techniques.
7. Implements various instructional technology strategies that
support: 1. Interdisciplinary approaches; 2. Adjusting instruction to
accommodate individual characteristics such as multiple intelligences
and learning styles; 3. Enhancing human interaction; 4. Readiness,
diagnostic, and achievement assessment
8. Design and manage the physical environment to facilitate the
implementation of instructional technology in the teaching and learning
environment. |
Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and
strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning.
Teachers facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address
content standards and student technology standards.
Teachers use technology to support learner-centered strategies that
address the diverse needs of students.
Teachers apply technology to develop students' higher order skills
and creativity.
Teachers manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced
1. Use technology as a tool for teaching and learning.
2. Integrate technology into core curriculum areas to assist with
achievement of standards.
3. Integrate the Nebraska Student Essential Learnings in Technology.
4 Model technology as a research, productivity, presentation, and
communication tool.
5. Utilize instructional technologies to promote interdisciplinary
6. Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate uses of
technology in teaching and learning
7. Use technology to support cooperative and collaborative learning
8. Align appropriate technologies with teaching and learning tasks.
9. Match appropriate technologies with multiple intelligences,
student learning characteristics, and learning styles.
10. Use technology to bridge social, economic, and cultural
11. Use technology to maximize opportunities for every learner to
12. Identify and implement assistive technologies when and where
13. Provide students with access to distance education when
14. Deliver and/or facilitate effective learner-centered instruction
using technologies.
15. Support cooperative and collaborative learning strategies.
16. Support active exploration and problem- and inquiry-based
17. Extend the learning environment beyond the classroom walls (i.e.
collaborative projects, scientists, researchers, virtual field trips).
18. Manage curricular resources (i.e. assessment, attendance,
productivity, and communication).
19. Assist with assessment and documentation of core standards.
20. Build stronger partnerships with parents and the greater
community (i.e. post lessons and grades on web).
21. Apply best teaching, learning, and assessment practices.
22. Communicate with others (i.e. fellow educators, administrators,
parents, and experts).
23. Assist students in using a variety of media in developing their
24. Teachers facilitate or deliver effective learner centered
instruction using distance education technologies.
Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective
assessment and evaluation strategies.
Teachers apply technology in assessing student learning of subject
matter using a variety of assessment techniques.
Teachers use technology resources to collect and analyze data,
interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional
practice and maximize student learning.
Teachers apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students'
appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and
1. Teachers will demonstrate the ability to use digital portfolios to
assess and report student progress. (A, C)
2. Teachers will use a student management program or an electronic
grade book for record keeping. (A, B)
3. Teachers will access centrally stored student files/assignments
and provide feedback electronically. (B)
4. Teachers will use multiple methods of electronic evaluation which
include, but are not limited to, online assessment; evaluation of
student portfolio; and authentic assessment of students through
products, performances, and/or presentations. (C)
5. Teachers will use technology to collect qualitative and
quantitative data to help in student evaluation. (C)
6. Teachers will use technology to track student progress in order to
demonstrate proficiency of standards . (C)
7. Teachers will use technology to collect, compile, and analyze
student data to adjust and improve instruction. (B)
8. Teachers will implement various assessment strategies when
utilizing technology in the curriculum. (A)
9. Teachers will use technology to analyze a class’s performance
and compare it to a larger set of students locally, statewide, or
nationally. (A, B)
10. Teachers will use e-mail, web-based resources, databases, and
other appropriate telecommunications to provide rapid feedback about
performance. (A, B)
11. Teachers track student progress in order to demonstrate
proficiency of standards and how utilization of technology helps achieve
the standards. (C)
12. Teachers understand and apply appropriate attitudes and skills
towards: the change process; ongoing training; new ideas; adapting
technologies and strategies to individual and group needs; and
utilization of available resources. |
Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and
professional practice.
Teachers use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional
development and lifelong learning
Teachers continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to
make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of
student learning.
Teachers apply technology to increase productivity.
Teachers use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers,
parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.
1. Teachers use multimedia, hypermedia, and telecommunications to
support effective instructional activities for lessons, presentations,
demonstrations and student projects.
2. Teachers utilize computer-based technologies to access information
to enhance professional productivity, conduct research and communicate
through local and global networks.
3. Teachers use technology to remain current in specific disciplines.
4. Teachers will stay current in educational technologies through
utilization of resources such as educational service units, Nebraska
Department of Education, Internet, professional organizations,
conferences, and journals.
5. Teachers utilize computers and related technologies to facilitate
emerging roles of learners and educators such as creating active
learners, teachers as facilitators of information, life long learners
and an awareness of the impact of technology on lives and careers.
6. Teachers apply an understanding that the characteristics of
learners and the nature of the learning task, influence the selection
and use of technology-based instructional strategies and presentation
7. Teachers implement various assessment strategies when utilizing
technology in the curriculum.
8. Teachers create and use learning activities which incorporate
technology while considering the diverse needs of all students such as
multiple languages and physical and learning challenges.
9. Teachers infuse appropriate technology which supports the
curriculum focus.
10. Teachers select and use various software types to support
instruction such as: word processing; data base; spreadsheet;
hypermedia; web authoring; simple graphics; desktop publishing;
encyclopedias (CD); subject-matter software; on-line resources; and
presentation and administrative software.
11. Teachers facilitate learning in individual, small and large
groups using differing amounts and types of technological resources.
12. Teachers implement various assessment strategies when utilizing
technology in the curriculum to create student ownership and
13. Teachers prepare and deliver learning activities integrated into
instructional units that utilize computer based technology tools.
14. Teachers use productivity tools to enhance professional tasks
such as correspondence, assessment, classroom materials, presentations,
15. Teachers use computers for problem solving, data collection,
information management, communication, presentations, and decision
making in producing surveys, technology plans, staff development
activities, collegial communication, budget preparation, class
schedules, and develop curriculum.
16. Teachers facilitate or deliver effective learner centered
instruction using distance education technologies.
17. Teachers will identify how the utilization of technology enhances
student achievement. |
Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues
surrounding the use of technology in PreK-12 schools and apply those
principles in practice.
Teachers model and teach legal and ethical practice related to
technology use.
Teachers apply technology resources to enable and empower learners
with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities.
Teachers identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity
Teachers promote safe and healthy use of technology resources.
Teachers facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all
1. Teachers understand and practice equity, ethical, legal and human
issues of computing and technology use as they relate to society.
2. Teachers model behaviors in and outside the classroom which
promote ethical and legal use of technology-based resources.
3. Teachers understand and uphold current copyright laws, rights and
4. Teachers understand and apply appropriate attitudes and skills
towards: the change process; ongoing training; new ideas; adapting
technologies and strategies to individual and group needs; and
utilization of available resources.
5. Teachers select technology, software, web resources and print
material that reflects the diverse world.
6. Teachers design student learning activities which foster
equitable, ethical, and legal use of technology by students |