EDU 201

Technology and Instructional Materials in the Classroom

Spring, 2000


Dr. Merryellen Towey Schulz

Office - Adm 289

Office Hours - 2:15 - 3:00 T & Th or by appointment

Phone - 399-2432 (office)  558-0789 (home)

Email -

Web Site -


Tuesday evenings - 6:00 - 8:40


Text:  Bazeli, M. & Heintz, J., (1997). Technology Across the Curriculum, Activities and Ideas.  Englewood, CO:  Libraries Unlimited, Inc.


Course Description

As a result of participation in this course, using the educational technology research as a foundation, students will …

·        learn strategies for integrating instructional technology in curriculum planning.

·        select software and instructional media for use in classrooms, develop curricular activities that include computer applications and use hypermedia and multimedia programs.

·        demonstrate operation and use of equipment and materials that involve the effective use of technology in teaching and presentation.


An attempt is being made to make this a "paper-less" course. Most course handouts will be available on the instructor's web page. Students will submit their work electronically.



High density floppy disks

Email account


The goals for this course are based on national standards. Three of the goals listed are set by the International Society for Technology in Education, ISTE. These serve as a framework for the course from which each student will set specific individual objectives..

1.    ISTE Standard A - Basic Computer / Technology Operations and Concepts
Candidates will use computer systems to run software; to access, generate and manipulate data; and to publish results. They will also evaluate performance of hardware and software components of computer systems and apply basic troubleshooting strategies as needed.

2.    ISTE Standard B - Personal and Professional Use of Technology
Candidates will apply tools for enhancing their own professional growth and productivity. They will use technology in communicating, collaborating, conducting research, and solving problems. In addition, they will plan and participate in activities that encourage lifelong learning and will promote equitable, ethical, and legal use of computer / Technology resources.

3.    ISTE Standard C - Application of Technology in Instruction
Candidates will apply computers and related technologies to support instruction in their grade level and subject areas. They must plan and deliver instructional units that integrate a variety of software, applications, and learning tools. Lessons developed must reflect effective grouping and assessment strategies for diverse populations.

4.    In addition to these ISTE goals, another important goal for this course will be for individual students to learn how to plan and assess their own learning, and to reflect on the relationship of that learning to their intended professional lives.


Important Information

This is a performance-based course, very different from traditional college courses. In order to learn to use technology you will need to spend time using computers.  Be sure to plan computer time into your schedule. Plan to spend about 6 hours a week outside of class working on computers to complete class assignments. Allow extra time for unexpected technical problems. It is important that you begin projects early and plan time for technical difficulties and system failures.

You are expected to turn all assignments in on time. It is understood that occasionally students may have difficulty getting an assignment turned in on time. Therefore, each student will be allowed to turn in two assignments late without penalty. Students will have 1 week to finish the late assignment. After 1 week from the time the assignment was originally due a grade of zero will be recorded and the assignment will not be accepted.

Save Often
It is important that you always save your work. I recommend that you save your work every 10 minutes while you are working to prevent frustrating loss of time and effort. The most important thing you can learn about working with technology is SAVE OFTEN. Also important is backing up your work.  Always make a backup disk (even two) and be careful about where you put them.  Be sure to label every disk.



This course will consist of hands-on experiences and attendance is necessary for learning and meeting the objectives.  Missing a class is equivalent to missing a week of classes and can jeopardize your grade.  Each tardy or leaving early for any reason will lower your grade by 1%.  Each absence for any reason will lower your grade by 2%.  Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the instructor.


Should weather conditions cause the cancellation of class, an announcement will be made on the radio and by the instructor with e-mail.  Telephone arrangements will be made for those who do not have access to e-mail in their homes.

Learning Activities

Pedagogical considerations and assessment techniques will be integrated with each learning activity. 

All course assignments will be submitted individually, though on most assignments it will be beneficial to work with your learning partners.  The research presentations will be completed by teams of 4 students.

A demonstration by the instructor, who has experience with technology, can make procedures seem simple. Be careful to take notes during demonstrations so that you can perform the task at a later time when the instructor or your partner may not be available.

The purpose of the technology portfolio web site is to demonstrate the technical and pedagogical skills that you have developed and the progress that you have made toward the course goals during the semester. It is made up of samples of the work from each of the areas explored during the course, reflections on the course activities, and a self assessment of your progress toward the course goals. Specific instructions and a scoring rubric will be given in class.

Vocabulary database 20 Introduction journal 20 Web Site 75
Basic Skills checklist 10 Print Shop sign 10 Newsletter 20
Inspiration graphic organizer 10 Digital photo 10 Web Quest 50
Web site evaluations 20 Scavenger Hunt 50 Video Lesson 10
Gradebook/spreadsheet 20 Hyper Studio stack 50 Video Production 15
Midterm exam 20 Lesson Plans 50 Presentation 50
NETA response paper 20 Participation A 10 Participation B 10




Grading Scale for Educational Technology 201

 A  90 - 100%  495-550 points
 B  80 - 92%  440-494


 C  70 - 83%  385-439 points
 D  60 - 74%  330-384 points
 F  Below 60%  329 points and below