Web Site Evaluation Assignment


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Purpose:  To practice using the Internet for professional purposes

Teachers have three basic purposes for professional use of the World Wide Web:

  • To locate lesson plans and learning activities to use in teaching
  • To locate interactive online activities to be used by students in learning
  • To locate sites that will provide information for students doing research
  • To locate research on pedagogy and policy in education 


The World Wide Web is an excellent information site for educators. While anyone can enter a word in a search engine and get something back, it takes a little more effort to find good information. In this assignment you and a partner will practice using what you have learned in class to find information about an educational topic of your choice.


Step 1
Choose an
educational topic of your choice. You will use the same topic every time you search. Choose something interesting to you, such as math projects, ADHD, whole language, cooperative learning, etc.  Open a Word document, name it "search.htm" (don't use quotes), and save all items in the assignment to this document.

Step 2
Conduct a search on your topic. Be sure to include the name of the search engine that you used. Use the sources that we examined in class to develop a good search strategy.  Don't just enter one keyword and then quit. You will be assessed on the quality of your search. Visit several of the sites that your search found. Keep a record of your searching techniques on a chart (below).

Search Topic:
Search Terms:

Type of Search:
Search Engine:


Search terms and operators used

# of hits

Quality of Hits The majority of hits in this search appear to be 







You would extend the chart until you developed a good search

SAVE to search.htm

Visit several of the sites that your search found. Choose one of the sites that you found that you think was particularly good. Use the evaluation sheet that your team chose to evaluate this site (from links given). Be sure to include the URL for the site.

Step 3
Conduct a search on your topic using a different search engine. Be sure to include the name of the search engine that you used.  Create another chart describing how you searched and the results that you got.  Evaluate one of the sites.


Step 4
Again, conduct a search on your topic using a different search engine. Be sure to include the name of the search engine that you used.  Create another chart describing how you searched and the results that you got.  Evaluate one of the sites.


Step 5
By this time you should have used three different search engines. For each search engine you should have a chart describing your search and a description and evaluation of one good site that you found with each search engine. Now you will go back and look at your searches. Compare your results from the different searches. Write a paragraph describing what you found. Some things that you could write about include the number of sites you found, the quality of the sites, or any sites that you found on different search engines.


Scoring Rubric





Description of the searches conducted complete and demonstrates effective use of the search engines.




Description and evaluation of the site located by each search engine complete and demonstrates a careful evaluation of the site




Paragraph description of the three searches is a good comparison of the searches that were conducted on the different search engines and provides conclusion about most effective search. 




URLs included and accessible for all three sites




Total Points: (10 possible)




Adapted from Karen Milligan
Last Updated Spring Semester, 2001

 email Dr. Schulz

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