Web Project


Syllabus ] Web Sites ] Schedule ] Links ] NETA Pictures ] Student Work ]

Create a home page with the following elements:

  • Banner
  • Your Name
  • Intro
  • Your picture
  • Background (Theme)
  • Navigation Bar
  • Mail to
  • Project links organized in a table
  • External links
  • References

Include graphics and backgrounds on all pages.

*References should contain citations for all sources you used, including graphics, in the development of your page.


This graphic organizer is designed to help you visualize the organization of your web site.

Scoring Rubric





2 - 4



Required elements for home page are present and work

1 points each for a total of 10

The home page is well organized, attractive, and easy to read
All assigned files are present.
All files are named and saved properly
All files can be opened and viewed with a World Wide Web browser.
Appropriate graphic images are included
References to sources, including graphics
The information is accurate 
All information is well-written with correct grammar and spelling.
Navigation is quick and works well























Required project links are present and work

2 point each for a total of 24

TOTAL (75 possible)





 email Dr. Schulz

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